Basics of geoinformatics  

Development of the ability to recognize, identify and understand the spatial and spatio-temporal components of the reality. Understand the role of geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data in modern world, demonstrate competences in measuring systems, methods and technologies of measurement and spatial data collection. Determine and interpret the size, properties and relations of objects in space on the basis of measured data, spatial databases, plans and maps. Recognise problems and tasks in the application of geodetic and geoinformation principles and methods, and select proper procedures for their solution. Keep pace with and adopt new technological achievements in the field of surveying, geoinformation systems and services based on the position, and the changes in regulations, norms and standards. 1. Formulate the basic concepts and definitions about the space, time, space-time and reality. 2. Explain the process of creating a model using the perceived reality, the conceptual data model and specifications (perception of reality). 3. Explain the concept of abstract universe and discern and share the reality of the elements (entities). 4. Describe and explain various forms of representations of the basic entities of reality. 5. Describe the different views of spatial phenomena and connect the similarities and differences of space and time. 6. Define the representation scale of geospace and explain its importance. 7. Explain and describe the coordinate systems and the location of objects using an attribute. 8. Distinguish and compare different types of maps. 9. Explain the view of geospace based on location, object and time. 10. Distinguish between absolute and relative spatial relationships and explain the basic idea of topological relations
Basics of geoinformatics

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